i'm committed to sharing everything here-good, bad, ugly- both in hopes that you'll be encouraged that you're not alone if you're struggling on this journey too, and because it's an easy way to keep a record for myself, in case i have to go through it again- i don't wanna lie to myself and say in hindsight "oh it was so much easier last time..." cuz, ummm this isn't easy. jsut because of timing and general sluggishness, i'm probably not gonna get my workouts in till after lunch, but that's ok. i've come to realize that at this point in the game, the important thing isn't doing everything my body can and burning every last calorie possible (that starts...next week ;-)) - no, the important thing is getting in a good cardio burn every day. even if i just get through my circuit once, that's something. i don't see myself stopping there, even on a tired day, but consistency is king right now.
more later, after i've worked out.
Friday, April 8, 2011
thursday wrap up.
day 2 is always really hard. i was kinda prepared for this, but it was still a really hard day. i woke up at 630 am and made breakfast. at about 8 i started my first workout. it was the Kickboxing/booty/core workout and it took me about 40 min with all the breaks, which was fine since it was my first time all the way though it. as with the other kickboxing workout i'd tried, it was pretty strenuous, but in a really good way. i didn't get in all the reps on everything, but i really enjoyed it and felt like it will be a good addition to my program. i took a break, then launched into my circuit. i got through it okay physically, but the whole time and right after i was struggling emotionally. i made note of some of my thoughts:
- i do not want to work out anymore.
-looking in the mirror to check my form is so depressing. all i can see is all the fat in my face and flopping around at my middle.
-i start to feel like i'm getting somewhere (with weight loss) and then i see all this excess fat and i feel so very discouraged.
Then, as i got in the shower, i started to try to get some realistic perspective on it all- having been through this all before, i reminded myself of how my body works.
-i am going to be swollen and bloated for possibly up to 2 weeks. i must think longer term and know that if i stick with this, the weight and inches will come off.
- when i want to take a day off or give up i must work out anyway- even a smaller amount of exercise on a consistent basis will have more benefits and effects than large amounts of exercise less consistently.
-i need to take this one day at a time, one workout at a time.
i showered, shaved my legs, and spent the afternoon at the pool. when i got home and changed, i ate a snack, settled down to read, and fell asleep. later, i had a nice evening with scott, and went to bed at a decent time. one day at a time.
- i do not want to work out anymore.
-looking in the mirror to check my form is so depressing. all i can see is all the fat in my face and flopping around at my middle.
-i start to feel like i'm getting somewhere (with weight loss) and then i see all this excess fat and i feel so very discouraged.
Then, as i got in the shower, i started to try to get some realistic perspective on it all- having been through this all before, i reminded myself of how my body works.
-i am going to be swollen and bloated for possibly up to 2 weeks. i must think longer term and know that if i stick with this, the weight and inches will come off.
- when i want to take a day off or give up i must work out anyway- even a smaller amount of exercise on a consistent basis will have more benefits and effects than large amounts of exercise less consistently.
-i need to take this one day at a time, one workout at a time.
i showered, shaved my legs, and spent the afternoon at the pool. when i got home and changed, i ate a snack, settled down to read, and fell asleep. later, i had a nice evening with scott, and went to bed at a decent time. one day at a time.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
it feels like starting over...
...whenever i haven't worked out consistently in awhile. i know that where i am "starting" from this week is way beyond where i was in early january when i started this round of craziness, but it doesn't *feel* like it. here's how my workout week so far has gone:
Monday: Rest Day. spent most of it at the pool.
Tuesday: lady issues made me really tired, but i didn't want to start this new month by doing nothing, so i got scott to do the first day of the 100 pushup program with me at like 930 last night. it counts. (and it;s an area where i know i'm improving. the sets were tiny but they felt GREAT!)
Wednesday. ohhh today glorious hump day. i spent the morning really crunching numbers and figuring out what i needed to do to get my calorie burn right for hitting 175 this month. i'm not sure that i *will*, because my body hardly functions the way science says it should, but i'm gonna do everything i can to hit that goal. after lunch, i decided to jump right into a new workout-cardio kickboxing, since i've developed a love for this no impact cardio thang. it was SO fun and SO awesome and SOOOOOO hard! Not hard as in too advanced for me, but hard as in a challenge to my cardiovascular fitness- which is exactly what i need. i had to take a LOT of breaks to catch my breath, (took me 45 min to get through the 22 min workout)and i got lost a LOT, but both those things will resolve themselves as i repeat the workout. at the end of that 45 minutes i was pretty disappointed in myself. i hadnt kept up like i'd wanted and i knew that the 100 min of kickboxing style cardio i'd wanted to accomplish in addition to the circuit were not all going to happen. in fact, i was pretty sure i was done for the day. (my chest is still wheezy 3 hours after finishing.) i'm trying to gain better perspective on this. i worked out harder than i have probably worked out in months if not a year or more. no, i did not hit that 2k calorie burn goal today, but hopefully the bump my metabolism got will be enough to push me toward my goal anyway. i'd have taken a little break and gotten back into it, but we have dinner with scott's grandparents tonight and i didn't wanna show up all worn out- or worse, sweaty because i'd worked out to long to shower. yes, my health and weight loss need to be a priority, but today i had to make the judgement call that was wiser long term. tomorrow is a new day, and i'm hoping to get in bed early enough that i can get up and get ALL my exercise in first thing tomorrow and reward myself with sunshine at the pool in the afternoon. i'll let y'all know how that goes...
Monday: Rest Day. spent most of it at the pool.
Tuesday: lady issues made me really tired, but i didn't want to start this new month by doing nothing, so i got scott to do the first day of the 100 pushup program with me at like 930 last night. it counts. (and it;s an area where i know i'm improving. the sets were tiny but they felt GREAT!)
Wednesday. ohhh today glorious hump day. i spent the morning really crunching numbers and figuring out what i needed to do to get my calorie burn right for hitting 175 this month. i'm not sure that i *will*, because my body hardly functions the way science says it should, but i'm gonna do everything i can to hit that goal. after lunch, i decided to jump right into a new workout-cardio kickboxing, since i've developed a love for this no impact cardio thang. it was SO fun and SO awesome and SOOOOOO hard! Not hard as in too advanced for me, but hard as in a challenge to my cardiovascular fitness- which is exactly what i need. i had to take a LOT of breaks to catch my breath, (took me 45 min to get through the 22 min workout)and i got lost a LOT, but both those things will resolve themselves as i repeat the workout. at the end of that 45 minutes i was pretty disappointed in myself. i hadnt kept up like i'd wanted and i knew that the 100 min of kickboxing style cardio i'd wanted to accomplish in addition to the circuit were not all going to happen. in fact, i was pretty sure i was done for the day. (my chest is still wheezy 3 hours after finishing.) i'm trying to gain better perspective on this. i worked out harder than i have probably worked out in months if not a year or more. no, i did not hit that 2k calorie burn goal today, but hopefully the bump my metabolism got will be enough to push me toward my goal anyway. i'd have taken a little break and gotten back into it, but we have dinner with scott's grandparents tonight and i didn't wanna show up all worn out- or worse, sweaty because i'd worked out to long to shower. yes, my health and weight loss need to be a priority, but today i had to make the judgement call that was wiser long term. tomorrow is a new day, and i'm hoping to get in bed early enough that i can get up and get ALL my exercise in first thing tomorrow and reward myself with sunshine at the pool in the afternoon. i'll let y'all know how that goes...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Spring 2011 workout plan
ok, so it occurred to me maybe y'all would benefit from knowing the plan- if you wanna join me, or just are interested in what works for me. i've been tweaking this program for awhile, and now i'm gonnal et you in on phase 1 of the plan (phase 2 is subject to change based on pregnancy and whatnot, but phase 1 is set in stone.)
1:The core of my program is a HIIT circuit that i created and, i must say, it is butt kickin. i'm including in it the 100 pushup program.

2: i'm also including a 10 min cardio workout that is a circuit of the cardio moves from the circuit that i can fit in any time and torches major calories and keeps the metabolism firing.
3: starting next week, i'm going to add in a 20 min pilates DVD. eventually i'll move on to the 50 min series, but we have to start somewhere. right?
4: Swimming. this is something that for now will happen as often as possible, and hopefully by early may will be something i can fit in every day. (my pool is in need of cleaning right now, and gym consistency needs work..._
5: hiking, walking, elliptical: these won't likely be every day like items 1-4, but they are awesome forms of cardio that i fully intend to incorporate.
Now, to some of you, maybe this sounds like a lot, but truly, it's what it's gonna take, and it;s far less stress on my body than a lot of high impact work. other than item 5, all of it is NO impact, and just awesome. i'm hoping that by the end of the next 9 weeks i'll be able to move on and actually do some plyo and stuff because of having less weight on my joints. :-)
so the plan is items 1-3 tues-sun and items 4-5 as often as possible, with item 4 becoming part of the daily plan by early next month.
1:The core of my program is a HIIT circuit that i created and, i must say, it is butt kickin. i'm including in it the 100 pushup program.
2: i'm also including a 10 min cardio workout that is a circuit of the cardio moves from the circuit that i can fit in any time and torches major calories and keeps the metabolism firing.
3: starting next week, i'm going to add in a 20 min pilates DVD. eventually i'll move on to the 50 min series, but we have to start somewhere. right?
4: Swimming. this is something that for now will happen as often as possible, and hopefully by early may will be something i can fit in every day. (my pool is in need of cleaning right now, and gym consistency needs work..._
5: hiking, walking, elliptical: these won't likely be every day like items 1-4, but they are awesome forms of cardio that i fully intend to incorporate.
Now, to some of you, maybe this sounds like a lot, but truly, it's what it's gonna take, and it;s far less stress on my body than a lot of high impact work. other than item 5, all of it is NO impact, and just awesome. i'm hoping that by the end of the next 9 weeks i'll be able to move on and actually do some plyo and stuff because of having less weight on my joints. :-)
so the plan is items 1-3 tues-sun and items 4-5 as often as possible, with item 4 becoming part of the daily plan by early next month.
April goals
as i begin a new month, i'm setting up a few new goals to help give me focus. april is going to be a pivotal month for me, for a lot of reasons, most unrelated to weight loss. weight loss and fitness are going to be huge and important this month, though, and i think i'll be crossing some big milestones. the word of the day, week, month, and possibly year is FOCUS. i tend to get distracted, dragged down, and discouraged far too easily. to keep that from happening i'm going to focus on the smaller goals- more on the 4-6 week level thatn the 4-6 month level.
that said, here are my goals for april:
Size 12. period. it *was* my goal for march, but the cleanse- as awesome and effective as it was- didn't lend itself to exercise, which is my major source of inch loss. right now i have two pair of size 12 jeans. i can get both pair up and over my bum comfortably and one i can button and zip without much effort- the problem is the majestic muffin top. yeah, that's not acceptable. i've got a pretty good workout plan mapped out for the next 6-10 weeks (which i'll lay out in another post), so i really and truly think it's doable. for me 14 to 12 is always the hardest size gap to bridge, so i would love to say oh, i can easily get down to an 8 by the end of may, but i'm not looking that far ahead. April. Size 12. i don't know what that is going to look like in pounds lost. it could be anywhere from 8 to 20 lbs. i honestly have no idea, and if i am losing inches, i don't really care. i have weighed 130 and worn a size 10, and i have weighed 160 and worn a size 8. i couldnt tell ya. ;-)
an equally large goal for me is this: i want to complete 6 workouts a week every week this month. consistency is my biggest struggle- which you likely already know. so. 24 days of working out this month.
size 12.
24 workouts.
starting tomorrow.
let's go.
that said, here are my goals for april:
Size 12. period. it *was* my goal for march, but the cleanse- as awesome and effective as it was- didn't lend itself to exercise, which is my major source of inch loss. right now i have two pair of size 12 jeans. i can get both pair up and over my bum comfortably and one i can button and zip without much effort- the problem is the majestic muffin top. yeah, that's not acceptable. i've got a pretty good workout plan mapped out for the next 6-10 weeks (which i'll lay out in another post), so i really and truly think it's doable. for me 14 to 12 is always the hardest size gap to bridge, so i would love to say oh, i can easily get down to an 8 by the end of may, but i'm not looking that far ahead. April. Size 12. i don't know what that is going to look like in pounds lost. it could be anywhere from 8 to 20 lbs. i honestly have no idea, and if i am losing inches, i don't really care. i have weighed 130 and worn a size 10, and i have weighed 160 and worn a size 8. i couldnt tell ya. ;-)
an equally large goal for me is this: i want to complete 6 workouts a week every week this month. consistency is my biggest struggle- which you likely already know. so. 24 days of working out this month.
size 12.
24 workouts.
starting tomorrow.
let's go.
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