Saturday, January 25, 2014

September Baby

Note: if you're reading this you probably know we've suffered a pregnancy loss. As part of my healing process, this is a letter to our September baby. 

Dear Sweet September Baby,
I miss you already. I'm so sorry we never got to meet, but I will carry you in my heart always. I don't understand why, and may never, but God decided to keep you safe with Him instead of sending you to my arms. That's His choice to make, and though my heart aches, I know somehow it's the best one for me, for our family, long term. In the few short weeks since I first suspected your presence, I have had dreams for you, and it's sad to know that those dreams won't be realized through you, that you a rent our Baby Two, and that you won't get to share your Daddy's birth month like your sister shares mine. Oh your some ways I think this is harder on him than me. He wants the magic and wonder of a second child very much, almost as much as I do, and he wants Lexi to get to be a big sister too. We are both fighting for hope and mourning for you. We will always love you, sweet September Baby, and I know already that the effect you've had on us is permanent. We've prayed harder and with more faith-not fear-the past week than ever before, I think. I will always be thankful for how God has used you, tiny tiny you, to teach me more about Him. Look down on us, and know we love and miss you.
Your Mama

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Brain/heart/mind dump

Or, what's going on with my body? 

I have no idea what's going on. I don't know what to do based on any of it. I'm mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted, and I crave clarity. 
One of three things is going on:
1. My period is coming, but really taking it's time. Would be a little disappointing, but a step in the right direction.
2. I'm pregnant and things are going well, but it was too early to test on 1/4. Best case scenario.
3. I'm pregnant but a loss is imminent. Worst case. I know God is sovereign, but this would be devastating.

My period is now two weeks "late". Since I've never had a cycle regular enough to predict anything, I don't know what late is for me. I don't know if or when I ovulated. Here's what I do know. 

-I've been feeling since around  Christmas that I could be pregnant based on a number of small things adding together. 
-after 4.5 months of losing 1-3 lbs every single week, I've been stuck for 3 weeks, despite no changes in my diet or exercise . This could mean I need to change something, it could mean I'm close to the end, it could be a few different things hormonally...
-my digestion is all confused. Lots of gas, infrequent  BMs. 
-I'm having a few times a day what I call "belly feels"- uterine cramps/contractions that are not painful, and along with them tingling sensations in other areas that I've only ever experienced early in my pregnancy with Lexi. 
-I'm not spotting or bleeding at all with these cramps, even after a workout. Many Other times since Lexi, every time I'd  work out there would be spotting and light cramping, but not for weeks. 

-my performance in cycle class last week was far worse than it's been in months. This could be due to all the emotional turmoil, but it bears noting. 

-mood swings( again, could be many things)

-vivid dreams every night. 

-I'm tired. So tired I've gone back to bed rather than work out two days in a row. Took a 3h nap yesterday, still went to bed on time, and needed more sleep this morning. 

In light of all this I'm really trying to live my life normally and not dwell on what could be, and at the same time, make decisions that would be wise if I'm not alone. I've cut back on coffee, and am trying to figure out a balance for exercise, at least till things become clear. It makes me nervous doing all the Plyo in JMBR, and when I get dizzy doing any exercise-that's new too. 

I'm trying to be wise, but also walk by faith. At some point, God will make this clear one way or the other, right? 

You will always be...

Beautiful, sweet, funny, smart, imaginative, sensitive, tenderhearted Lexi,
Right now there is a lot of thought, question, concern and confusion about when you will have a sibling, and while that does take up space in my mind and my heart, not for a moment does it erase,  replace, or detract from who and what you are to me. No number of siblings could do that. 
You are and will always be:
-the one I waited my whole life for.
-the first child I felt moving within me
-the girl who, despite a long wait and much chaos in the anticipation, was born peaceful, curious, and without the need to cry.
-the fulfillment of a lifetime of prayers and dreams, some I never dared to hope for.
You are all the best of your Daddy and I:
-you are loving and cuddly, free with your affection, and I pray you never lose that beautiful uninhibited way of showing love.
-you are curious, observant, and hungry for new experiences, and brave in new undertakings.
-you have an incredible sense of humor and love to bring laughter to a room-especially when you sense someone is unhappy. 
-you are smart and imaginative, and I know this will blossom into many areas of creativity along with the music you love already. It warms my heart to hear you sing and play instruments and to watch you dance.

You are my first baby, and though I will strive to never play favorites,( but to convince you each that you are my favorite), Lexi Bella, you will always be the first life changing reminder of God's faithfulness, that He hadn't forgotten me, that He loves me, that He has only the best for those who put their faith in Him. I struggle to rest in Him, but I am always seeking to, and in many ways I feel you, with your easygoing nature, your loving spirit, your seeming perfection in all the areas that new mamas complain about, are my reward for working through my issues to be closer to Him. Every child is a miracle, but God has used you to do many miracles in me. I don't know when you'll have siblings or who they will be. I know I will love them and revel in who they are, but not an ounce of wonder will be taken from all God does in my heart through you, has been for over two years, and will keep doing the rest of my life. I am glad and blessed beyond words to be your Mama. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

It's been a long week

"O Lord, You are the God of the early mornings, the God of the late nights, the God of the mountain peaks, and the God of the sea. But, my God, my soul has horizons further away than those of early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature. You who are the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot discover, dreams I cannot realize. My God, search me."

I've been wrestling this week with my faith. It's funny how, for me at least, it's easy to believe the big stuff like creation and resurrection, but harder to see God working for good in my daily life and struggles at times. 

Fertility/having babies has been a-if not THE- big issue in my life for 8 years. I detailed that journey so far yesterday, and in doing so, was reminded by the beauty of God's timing in giving us Lexi. I mean this with all my heart: every tear I cried before I held her was worth it the moment she was in my arms. The joy and bliss of being her mother far outweighs the pain of the wait. Knowing that, why am I at this place again where the wait is so very difficult and painful? Because, though God has taught me so much about Himself on this journey so far, I'm stubborn, and there's a lesson I refuse to learn. Trust me, He says, I've got this, and it will be better than you can imagine.  Every day of my pregnancy He tried to tell me that, and some days I listened far better than other, but most days I was stuck in fear. I was afraid beyond measure that I would lose this child like I did my first, that I was undeserving of this beauty that I'd ached for my whole life, and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen, yet I knew it was out of my control. There are no promises or guarantees in this life, not in specific, and I find that frightening, to be honest. I'm not a risk taker at all, don't ride roller coasters, even though supposedly super safe, won't drive, the stock market seems idiotic. But the best things in life require risk, or rather, faith. For me, having children is the most beautiful thing imaginable. The whole process from conception to birth is magical, and the newborn days even more so. I knew long before she was conceived that I would love Lexi, but I could never have been prepared for what our relationship would be like, from that first moment. I could go on for hours.
So, it's only natural that I want all that again, for me, for Scott, and now for Lexi too. I've learned so much, enjoyed so much, become so passionate, and have so much love to give, I'm craving it like a big juicy burger. But this requires stepping out on that ledge of faith again. trusting God for His timing, though I want it NOW, for His protection, because I never want to lose another baby, for His love and blessings poured out on me, though I know I'm undeserving. 

That last part is key to my struggle, I think, and the difference between the time of TTC for me and for many other women(the "it'll happen when it's supposed to" types)-I feel like good stuff doesn't happen to me, and when it does, I'm afraid, because it seems too good to be true, and I lose a lot of joy for awhile waiting for the other shoe to drop. This happened when Scott and I were first together (the shoe never dropped with him, but dang did other people create some opposition!) and when I was pregnant with Lexi.  Now, those things have not shattered into a thousand pieces, and I should have hope, and be assured of God's love for me, and I am...more than I was, but I still have this concept of never being good enough. I've failed a lot in life, at big things and small, and though I love my mother, and our relationship has transformed in recent years, I grew up never feeling good enough for her even though I was a really really good kid. So, taking this risk and trying to have another baby when I've failed at it before (our loss in 06, all the years of infertility) in my own estimation, feels so scary and heartbreaking. My mom reminds me often that feelings lie, and while that's true, it's where I live, it's part of who I am, and while I may get better at separating what I feel from what is true, to some degree, that's not changing. I've learned to quiet, if not silence, the voice that calls me a failure, that tells me I don't deserve another child, but the need to protect myself and my heart often squelches hope. And then, on the occasions I allow myself to hope, that hope is often shattered or at least deflated. 

Which brings me to this week. My period was due to come on 12/31 in theory (since I've never had a regular cycle). A week before that I started feeling like I might be pregnant. Just a lot of small things physically that I'd only ever experienced when I was pregnant with Lexi. It was clearly too early to test, but on 12/30 I did. Negative. The things that made me think I was pregnant didn't lessen, let alone go away though, so I planned to test again on 1/5 and let myself dream about a September baby. Wouldn't it be cool if we had our second child in September, Scott's birth month, since Lexi was born in my birth month? Well, on 1/4 someone fairly close to us announced a pregnancy. Now, this is far from the only pregnancy in my sphere to be announced while we have been trying this time around. My best friend from high school is 9 weeks from giving birth to her second, my guy best friend from high school is welcoming his second child in a few months, at least 2 of my friends at church are expecting, and numerous others I'm friends with in life and/or on social media. Other women getting pregnant in general doesn't sting much. What ended up being the straw that broke me is who this person is in my life. See, over the past 8 years since we first began trying for a baby, five different times someone in this exact role in my life has announced her pregnancy. It shouldn't bother me any more than anyone else, but it does. And this time I am gonna have a much harder time hiding from it than I have before.  So I broke down. I cried. A lot. I vented my frustration and hurt, I cried more, i prayed, I I felt confused, and I took a pregnancy test. Negative. I cried some more, I prayed some more, I felt confused and guilty because the "right" thing would be to gush all over and be excited with this couple, but I wasn't, and I felt like a terrible person for it. I sought some advice, and ended up writing what was a difficult and humbling email to communicate that I have a huge struggle, a lot of pain and sadness, but it is neither the fault of, nor does it have anything to do with them, and I might need some space, but I don't want them to think I'm mad at them. I had Scott read it, and he was really proud of me.  Over the next few days I wrestled, prayed, talked to some more folks, and started to heal a bit. Then she wrote me back. This response email starts fairly nicely but evolves quickly into "I've never experienced you're particular struggle but here is how I was oh so godly in a totally unrelated situation" followed by a condescending scripture lesson on idols and contentment, followed by a guilt trip about how I'm robbing their child of a friendship with Lexi. I was gutted. I really hoped that my honesty and directness would have been the beginning of some honest communication in a group of people who rarely if ever communicate honestly and openly, but, nope. Yesterday was a really difficult day, and I felt 
Iike I was pushed back to the start in dealing with this situation. I'm really wrestling with how I can move forward in love in a godly way without causing more harm to my heart, because while I never write anyone off, I'm learning that it's not healthy for me to keep going back for more either. 

So, here is where I'm at with the entire baby/fertility/this person situation right now: my period is eleven days late. The things that made me feel like I might be pregnant are present and in some ways more prominent, I'm praying hard that God will help me let go of the hurt and anger I feel towards this person, and I am, for now, keeping my distance from her in all possible ways. I'm trying to live each day pencil to paper, one foot in front of the other, giving everything I do all I have, and God the glory for every victory over pain, sin, and heartache, and love and appreciate those who God is using to show His love to me. My devotions so far in 2014 have been just what I've needed every day and I know He's orchestrating that too. Your prayers for healing, joy, peace, and Baby Two are much appreciated!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

What not to say to your infertile friend

Most of us know someone who wants to have a baby and is having a challenge getting pregnant. Heck, if you're reading this, I know you do! ;-) This post is a way for me to vent, but hopefully also sorta helpful as a peek inside the struggle. We all have our hot buttons, these just happen to be some of mine, and all of them have been said to me. 

If she is trying to become a first time mom:
-"Oh, wait as long as you can to have kids!" Said to me by a mother of five. Yeah, terrible. One, because it's insensitive, and two, it's not your business when anyone chooses to start a  family.

-"just enjoy practicing! (Wink wink)" oh so original! While it's decent advice to stop trying hard and have fun, and may even increase the likelihood of conception due to decreased stress...just don't say this. It's cheesy, and so overused that I guarantee if you don't say it, five other people will. 

-"you'll never (sleep/have sex/whatever) again once you have kids!"  WHO gives a flying HOOT? This one made me so mad, on top of it not being even a little true. Life becomes more full with Children, but you don't lose a darn thing!

-"It'll happen when it's supposed to." Yeah, ok, but when is that? You don't have answers, don't give platitudes. 

If she has a child but is struggling to concieve again:

-"At least you have (name of child)!"
Well, yes I do! And I'm very thankful for her, but as a friend of mine said the other day, "That is like saying that eating one candy bar will satisfy you for life!"  It's also like saying if you got a promotion at work you should be happy in that exact position for the rest of your career!

- "it happened once, it'll happen again." Ummmmmmmm not necessarily...

-"oh you're still young." Not as young as you think. And you have no idea the circumstances that go into the timing of her attempts. The health issues, the number of children she's hoping to have, the spacing she'd like between her just don't know.

-"It'll happen when it's supposed to"
Again? Haven't we covered this one? 

Special Christian platitudes: 
-"God's plan is best!" Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, however...this is not always comforting when the horizon is hazy. 

-"God doesn't promise us anything, so I'll pray that you let go of your desires in favor of His desires for you!" Again, there is truth in this, but it's really not uplifting to someone who is losing hope in her dreams, sometimes lifelong dreams. 

-please don't lecture or preach at her for struggling. She is going through enough. 

So, what *should* you say? I personally would prefer some understanding, empathy, and positive hope, and if possible the offer of joining us in what we are praying for. 

Something along the lines of, "that is so hard. I know God has good coming to you, and I'll be joining you in praying that you don't have to wait much longer. "

...that'd be nice. 

I'm going through some stuff

And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm not going to get into the interpersonal aspects yet. I'm just gonna start with the stuff in my bubble. Let me also preface this by saying I know my story is nowhere near the hardest or the saddest. I know I have much to be thankful for, and I am! We all have our own struggles, journeys, victories, and defeats.

So, it's no secret that we/I have had a long struggle with infertility. Before I got pregnant with Lexi we tried for five and a half years to concieve. 10 months in we got the news that we were expecting, and a week later lost that baby. That miscarriage shaped the next 3 years of my life, easily, and is still something I struggle with the emotional effects of today in some areas.
I have PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome that, while it sounds like a primarily reproductive issue, affects my life in pretty much every area it can. Maybe I'll write another post explaining that whole thing another day, but today let's stick to the reproductive aspect. 

For many people, trying to concieve looks like this: you are intimate on the schedule you decide on (typically every other day), you might track ovulation signs, temperature, etc. then at the end of the month, your period comes, and you're bummed out and prepare to try again, or you're pregnant. That's not what it looklike for me. For me, it looks like this: intimate on the schedule, tracking temp and other signs (took breaks from the tracking sometimes to reduce stress), and when period is expected it doesn't come. Not "on time", not a week late, not 2 weeks late, not even a month late. When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I hadn't had a period in 4 months. Before that it's been six. After our loss, it was eleven. Other times it was as long as thirteen months. So, I didn't wonder once a month if I was pregnant. I wondered every single day. And every time I had a negative pregnancy test, I didn't get my period and a fresh chance a few days later, I usually had to wait months. After five and a half years of this, and really trying to leave it in God's hands, I had a conversation with my doctor. He asked how often I was having a period, I fell apart. He gently told me that he would advise that I go ahead and try clomid. So, we started. The progesterone I took to induce a period made me ill, but I rode it out. When it was time for my period, it didn't come. I waited a week, then called the doctor to see if my bloodwork said I'd ovulated. It said i had not. We cried a little, then started the process again. The second month, I really wanted to be less stressed,and just trust God to care for us, so I decided not to do the bloodwork in the middle and just find out if I got pregnant. (In hindsight this was kinda dumb and could have been counterproductive) well, my period was late again. Two long weeks went by, and I was really discouraged. Halfway through the third week past then my period was expected, I saw a pregnancy test in the cabinet and took it on a whim. Lexi. :-)
Because of the loss in 06, and because I have a fairly severe case of anxiety disorder, I was paranoid to the extreme my whole pregnancy with Lexi, but once she was born, I became transformed. I was cool as a cucumber and comfortably confident about all the new baby/first time parent stuff, and I'm so thankful for that.  
Things started to get hard with my anxiety again in early summer leading up to a family event, then calmed down after. Around that time we decided we were ready to try for a sibling for Lexi, and a week before her first birthday I had my first post-Lexi period. This was huge for me. It meant on some level my body was functioning like a normal fertile woman. Then, in August, after 37 days, and the very day I asked people to start praying for baby 2, I got my period again. I hadn't had 2 periods that close ever. Then I didn't have a period in September at all, and it was back to the Pre-Lexi TTC uncertainty. Then, late October, 9 1/2 weeks since my last period, I had another. Still more regular than ever before, and I'm thankful for that. Then 5 weeks later early December, another. Each month I hoped and was heartbroken, but I got through it in God's strength. Around Christmas I started feeling funny energy wise, in my abdomen, and in a few other ways that I've only ever experienced while pregnant. It was too early to test, so I tried to ignore these things and just live my life, but it was so hard. Then, a day before my period was due, I took a test. Negative. 5 days after it was due, tested again. Negative. 4 days after that, the stuff I have been experiencing hasn't changed, in fact some of it has intensified. And that's another aspect of my struggle. A negative home pregnancy test doesn't mean I'm not pregnant necessarily. It could just mean it's too early to know because I either didn't ovulate at all, or ovulated later than day 14 of my cycle. The only definitive answers are a positive test or getting my period. Dealing with the feeling pregnant but knowing it's unlikely feeling is so old and so painful for me. I'm tired of it even though I had 20 mos off from it. 
So, here I am, uncertain, and waiting for the seemingly inevitable heartbreak. The interpersonal aspects(which are significant) aside, I'm really tired of this ride. 
My only option for possibly shortening the process is to try clomid again-and it worked great the first time! But even that is complicated because it would require ending Lexi and my breastfeeding relationship, and while she is old enough, it's something she really loves and it feels selfish to take from the child I have for a child I don't (and in my Low-hope state, I think I may never) have. It's just not easy. Anyway, that's the part of my struggle that excludes any aspects involving others(and believe me this adds a different lens)...prayers for hope, joy, peace, and BABY TWO are all appreciated!!! 

Letter to Lexi written 7/17/13

Came across this in my drafts folder in my email: 

One week from today you will be a year old. This year has flown by like I never thought possible. It has been the best year of my life. You have made my life so full. Of wonder, of joy, of rediscovery of such simple things. You have taught me immeasurable things about myself, about my strength, my patience, my ability to be better than I thought in many ways. You don't see me with limits. To you, I am Mama, capable of all you want or need. Your confidence in me has given me confidence in myself and from that I've challenged myself to surpass the limits I'd put on myself! All that from such a tiny person! You are so curious-I knew it the day you were born when you looked toward my voice right away. You always want to look around and see what's going on. You love going outside and seeing new places and things-ever since you were a newborn. You are constantly exploring here at home-this gets you in a lot of trouble at times! 
I'm amazed constantly by your joy and playfulness. You're always happy-always- unless you're very tired. You laugh and joke almost constantly, making faces or playing games to make us smile and laugh too-you started doing this when you were only five weeks old! You're extremely loving, friendly, and affectionate. You always have to kiss every picture and every one of your toy friends, and every child you meet. :-) your kisses are the best kisses in the world! Don't tell your daddy though. ;-) I'm so thankful we've been able to have such a smooth and easy nursing relationship. I love feeding you, and all the tenderness between us in those times. You've never been very patient when it comes to nursing though. From almost the beginning you'd get frantic as I prepared to get you latched, and now that you're bigger, you frantically pull at my shirt. It's a little flustering at times, but endearing all the same. I'll admit, I'm struggling a little with you not being my tiny love bug anymore,  with missing your newborn sounds, your constant snuggles whenever I wanted them (and not just when you do, because I'm a selfish greedy mama sometimes), your new baby smell, your stillness. You were such a calm newborn. You're still such a good baby though, so easy. You can be "a little handful" as your Daddy says, but only when you're exploring. You aren't a whiny baby, you don't throw fits, even when you're frustrated at being told "no", it only lasts a few seconds, then you're on to the next thing, laughing and joking. I love you, my Alexandra, more than my life, and more than words can say. I've been thinking a lot lately about giving you a younger sibling soon, and one thing I think is that I don't want to take a moment away from you, that I just want to stay wrapped in Lexi land for always. But then I realize how much more fun it will be for all of us if you have someone littler than you to love and play and share (you already love to share!) and learn and grow with! I also know that no matter how many younger sisters and brothers you have, you'll always be my first baby, the one I waited my whole life for. You are what I was made for-being your mama. Nothing and no one can take away or change how much we love each other. For always. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Resolutions...sort of

It's a new year, and these are a few less than grand changes is like to make part of my life:
-regular devotional time
-starting my workouts earlier (730?)
-restarting my yoga practice (2+ days a week) 
-bible story time with Lexi over breakfast
-taking time to make myself feel pretty daily. (Makeup, hair, skincare)