Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Scaling back

Well, sort of...
The past few weeks I've been practicing listening to my body more in my resistance training and in cycle trying to keep my heart rate at or below 85% mhr in preparation for becoming pregnant again. Now, I did none of this while trying to concieve Lexi and had no problems, which is fantastic, and maybe I could keep up my current intensity level and our next baby could be fine, but on the heels of a loss, I feel like erring slightly toward caution is wise. And, I mean, I'm not slacking off, just not pushing myself to complete exhaustion on every single exercise and gargling my heart on every song in cycle class. 
It feels weird though, to not walk on jelly legs out of spin class, or to wake up less sore than usual-almost disappointing. Though I'm still working to improve my fitness, I'm having to recognize that this is a singular period in my life, and God willing I'll have many years post baby to leave it all on the gym floor. 

It's also hard to balance scaling back in a wise way with not slacking off, because, if I'm not pregnant this month, the journey does continue to get fitter and stronger. (Still so weird to think that I'm not trying to lose weight anymore!) so, I'm pushing, I'm doing as many reps as I can, with as heavy weights as I can, but if my heart races or my breathing feels funny, I back off instead of pushing through. I'm subbing in a lot of light jogging in place for higher impact cardio intervals.  I'm still getting a great workout, but in a way that feels safer for the life that I hope is beginning inside me. I'll keep working to be the strongest mama I can, for Scott, Lexi, and hopefully for my little Declan or Victoria. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

So...I'm wondering

It's way too soon in the cycle to suspect pregnancy in a concrete way, but I'll admit I'm having bursts of excited hope!  Last week (ovulation week) my performance in cycle was not what it has been, which I expected to a degree. However, the lightheadedness, shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, craving for beef, insane dreams, and other stuff has me hoping against hope. 

It's scary when I start to feel excited, because even trying to get pregnant feels like opening my shirt and painting a target over my heart. I'm really seeking God in the struggle every day though, and asking him for strength, patience, hope, and a healthy baby growing inside me who we can hold and love this coming winter. 

Friday, April 18, 2014


Fifteen years is a long time to do anything. Whether it's a job, a hobby, a family tradition, it becomes a part of you. It's also a really long time to love and be committed to someone. Especially when you were just sixteen years old to start with. That's exactly what Scott has given me though. 
Let me roll back the time machine a bit and tell you the *short* version of how we got together. It's certainly not the typical "boy meets girl".
In July of 98 I moved to virginia beach, and started attending a new church. The kids in the youth group were extremely friendly and I wanted (after 4 years of being ostracized in RI) to fit in so badly, that I did some stupid stuff to try to make them like me. Typical teenage insecurity, and wrong, though at the time you'd think I'd done far worse based on the way it was handled. After the whole debacle was resolved, I was left with two groups: those who would put up with me but clearly didn't like me, and those who wre treating me like I'd never wronged them. Based on his general disdain for me up to that point, I assumed Scott would be in the first camp, but over the next months he came to prove me wrong. 
By late winter we were decent friends, though I didn't know why this confident well respected guy went out of his way to call me or sit by me, who his "group" had clearly written off. I told myself he was just trying to be Christlike. 
It was probably clear to everyone from almost day 1 that I "liked" a particular boy in the group. I was nuts over him really, but he basically kept me in the "best friend" zone (though he was perfectly willing to discuss our future children?), until one day when Scott point blank asked me if I "liked" this guy. Now, I'm a sixteen year old girl, talking to the good friend of the guy I like. Am I really gonna say yes? Noooope. My response led to Scott taking this situation into his own hands (why? I wondered? Because he was tired of me being in denial? It was really none of his beezwax! But somehow I was thankful even thn.) and setting up a sit down for this guy and I to hash out our feelings. Oh that was brutal. The end result left things clear. He wasn't interested in a relationship with me. Friend. Zoned. My heart was broken, and I'm not gonna lie-part of it still is. I'll never really know (though it doesn't matter)if he really didn't see me that way or if he just wasn't brave enough to be linked to me, the broken one. Scott and I have always suspected the latter, and at the time, that made the rejection even more painful. 

How-EVER! In my heartbreak (that part of me remembered that he *orchestrated*!) Scott was an incredibly supportive friend. He called me a couple times that first week, gave me pep talks, encouraged me, began to make me see my worth, and that I was lovable and special all on my own. He saw me sad at church the next Sunday, and said "Smile for me Sunshine!" I was amazed at his friendship, which seemed to come out of nowhere at the time, and I just asked him "why are you going through all of this with me, beside me?" And he asked "why do you think?" Even now I blush remembering that. At the time, I muttered "because you care..." And he kind of barked a laugh and let it drop.
 A week after that, on Easter, he handed me a letter. It was sixteen pages long, all about the work he saw God doing in me, in him, in our youth group. He said he saw something big on the horizon that would shake everyone up and "overturn a few apple carts." I had no idea what that meant, and I was kinda scared. I wrote him back, all my thoughts and feelings on the subjects, and as I did I began to feel a bit afraid of what I saw developing. I had been aware for about six months that I really thought a lot of Scott, and when he hugged me I felt safe. I felt like I could open up to him in a different way than any other friends, and these letters were proving that. What did this mean? 

Well, it was his turn to write that week, and on April 18, 1999, he handed me a letter that started out trying to explain why he'd been supporting me and encouraging me and sharing with me. And halfway through the second page, the answer was there, in black and white:

And, there it was. No need for "check yes or no" or beating around the bush. Just an open, honest declaration of where he stood. Which was, and is, beside me and behind me.
I'm so glad you gave me that letter, so glad you've fought for me, first through parents, my crippling insecurity, then through heartbreaks and losses and their terrible aftermaths, through depression and anxiety, through hurting each other unspeakably, you've never given up. 

Thank you for the way you've grown with me, becoming more humble where needed, learning to stand strong and lead where needed, for being someone I can trust to take good care of me and our children. 
Thank you for your faithfulness. In so many ways. Thank you for the work you've put in and continue to, to keep your heart and mind only mine. 

Thank you, maybe most of all, for empowering me. From those early days of our friendship you strove to tear down the lies that others had built around me about being unlovable, worthless, not good enough, and replace them with the belief that I was the opposite. Sometimes you battled the builders of lies even as they tried to build. You have always believed in every dream, supported every goal, and celebrated every victory with me. 

The best thing I've learned in the past 15 years is something that started in April 99 and I'm still learning now: to communicate to you what I feel, need, want, because you want me to have it and will do all you can to make sure I do. Our biggest struggles have come when I wasn't brave enough to ask for help. Thank you for loving me that much. 

Fifteen years into this relationship I'm even more enamored and deeply in love with this man than I ever thought I could be. Here's to many more fifteens! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Love is an open door

I've had the song with this title from Frozen in my head since I went to bed last night, and while I love it for itself, these words are speaking another truth to me, the song is about meeting your other half, romantically, which I can definitely relate to. Right now though, I'm looking at a door that's about to open with a fair bit of trepidation.
Today I start clomid, which means we are officially trying for baby two. The reasons this is exciting are obvious. I really have every reason to hope and expect only positive things. I was thinking last night that even more than the month we concieved Lexi, there's no reason to think we won't conceive this month. Especially in light of the new regularity of my cycle and knowing that I ovulated on my own in December for sure. 
At the same time, I'm terrified of opening this door. My heart is still so tender and healing from losing September baby, and I never want to feel that pain again. I know that if I do, God will see me through like he has before, but I want to avoid it if at all possible. I'll never understand why I lost my may and September babies, and I don't need to. I do trust that God's plan is perfect and best-I mean, look at Lexi, she's amazing! I only want to move forward from that pain and experience the joy of holding another baby in my body, feeling them grow, and then giving birth and getting to hold them in my arms, love them, teach them, watch them grow, alongside the most beautiful and loving big sister I can imagine. And that's why I'm going to be brave. 
Because love *is* an open door. It's taking risks for the greater reward they promise, it's putting others before yourself, it's risking heartache or loss rather than shutting others out to protect oneself. I'm still fighting a war within some days, I'm being brave enough to open up the gates. I have to trust and rest that my loving Father will do the hard part and bring the pieces together just right, and protect our child, once concieved, as they grow inside where I can't see. 

Please join us in praying for a new life to begin growing inside me this month, that that baby will be healthy, strong, fully formed, fully cooked, and that we can enjoy a healthy pregnancy without fear. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My period came!

I have just had a 33 day cycle. Shortest of my life. Now we can get this show on the road! No PROVERA!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Confused, overwhelmed, protecting myself

I've been having a tough week emotionally so far. I think it's due to the juxtaposition of being in this limbo of waiting for my period and watching two friends give birth (so happy for them, truly!) in the past two weeks. Oh, and there was the sermon Sunday about heaven that included a high chair at the supper table. Yeah. Many tears. 

I've been feeling pessimistic. Asking myself why I'm putting myself through this, all this anticipation, building hope, preparing myself physically, daring to dream, when it could come to nothing but disappointment or heartbreak. Then I remind myself of the magic of pregnancy and the beauty of birth and miracle of a new baby in my arms. I allow myself to dream of Lexi and her new sibling together. That's what it's for. That reward is worth this risk. 

"But," the darker voice says, "you have Lexi. She is beautiful, sweet, healthy, and perfect. Why push your luck? Why would you even think you could be that blessed all over again? You were doing everything right last winter when you got pregnant, and look how that turned out. You worked so long on your body. Why don't you just enjoy what you have?" 

I am enjoying what I have. Every minute of every day. And I know all these thoughts, many of which I had as we started this process to concieve Lexi, are my way of protecting myself. And just like then, I'm going to press forward, one day at a time, pencil to paper, because I feel like there's no other choice. 

But I'm afraid, and my heart is hurting. I'm missing the baby who'd be almost halfway to my arms by now. 

So, if you're someone who prays, please pray for me. That my period would start (so we can get started...), that I'd be comforted and have hope, and that we can concieve, grow, and have a new baby to love in our arms very soon.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Recovery week and cycle goals

I've done my yoga for the day, Lexi and I are all dressed for our walk, and after that's done, I start my recovery week!! It was planned to be the week I take provera, but it looks like I may not have to do that, so it's just going to be a week where I let my body mend and rejuvenate a little bit without sitting totally idle. We will still take our daily walks and play outside. I might even slide in some restorative yoga. Hopefully the rest will also kick start my cycle and we can get this show on the road! 
When I come back to exercise on the 14th, it'll be a week of yoga as my morning workouts. The week after that, I'll either start extreme shed/shred, or be taking provera. I'm hoping for the former. 

This week I started working on a new set of goals in cycle. Up till now it's been "burn all the calories!" And, while that's great and lets me eat like a horse, I'm now trying to get pregnant, and I need to train myself to begin to scale back on intensity, so that I can continue to do so as my pregnancy progresses. The longer I'm able to cycle, the faster my body will remember how when I return to it. 
This week's goal was to keep my heart rate around 160 (85%mhr) instead of letting it go up to 180 when things get intense. It's hard, when you're used to going all out, to limit yourself, even in this reasonable way. My goal by the end of this clomid cycle is to be keeping it around 155. Good luck to me! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Doctor visit and other thoughts

My doctor's appointment this morning was fantastic! Dr Reutinger says if my period starts in the next 2 weeks I don't need to take provera at all, and that we can just start at the dose of clomid Lexi was concieved with. Easy peasy. He was also impressed by my weight loss. :-) I'm optimistic and hopeful about conceiving soon! 

I have been wrestling with something this afternoon though, and it's really troubling me. I still feel the need to have space from the person in my life who announced her pregnancy in January, not because I'm mad at her,(because God has freed me from that!) but because September Baby would have been due only a week after their baby and it's just too painful a reminder. I also don't want to cast a shadow on their happy time with my pain. I don't like feeling this way, and I intend to crochet my fingers off for this kid, but I really need some space. Please pray that when/if this is communicated, it meets with understanding and not offense and hurt. I just really want to enjoy these next months as we TTC and hopefully enjoy the first months of a new pregnancy. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Daring to Dream

Dear Baby Two,
I haven't written to you in so long, partly because I've been sad, partly because I've been afraid. I've been afraid to dream of you, to let thoughts and hopes and desires and images of you as part of my life into my heart. I've been protecting myself from being hurt, I suppose, and since the doors have been closed to you being in my belly for a couple months, I felt like I had time. But time is up! Tomorrow we go see Dr Reutinger, and Mama will get the medicine that will help us meet you! So today, finally I've really started to dream. I've dreamed about turning Lexi's room into a room for two, of getting a new Moses basket for you to sleep in next to our bed, of seeing Lexi hold you and love you and sing to you and share with you. One of my favorite friends just had a baby boy, and seeing pictures of her Turkey and Goose cuddling makes me so excited and hopeful! Do you know how long it's been since Mama was full of hope? Months. Since before September Baby, maybe even since before the holidays. Dreams of you give me Hope. I'm going to pray for and fight for that hope, sweet Child of mine, every single day till I hold you in my arms and beyond. I'm gonna ask for your daddy to pray for it, and all our friends. My prayer will be like this:
 Abba Father, 
Thank you so much for all the blessings you've given me. Thank you for hearing my prayers and being above my hopes and my fears. I'm asking today for you to bring us our baby two, strong and healthy, born fully cooked, with straight bones, healthy systems, and a heart that will seek you. For me, I ask that you will fill me with confidence and security in who You are and your love for me. Free me from fear and anxiety, guide my steps and give me wisdom. Please let hope win every battle with fear. For your glory, Amen.

I think this spring, summer, and fall will have incredible memories, and when winter comes, I hope you follow soon.  I love you.