Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buckling down and tightening up

So, kinda continuing where I left off last week, (I may have lost a couple pounds, which is cool, but I'm not shrinking much yet. More on that on Monday when I take stock and update stats at the end of phase 1) I'm still feeling pretty Grr and Meh about my progress so far, externally at least. I'm clearly not going to be a size 4, or probably even a 6, by the time we go to Emerald Isle. I have to be okay with that. My body is still recovering from Declan's birth, which in some ways was much harder than the average normal birth(and did you know the body takes at least a year to fully recover?). I'm breastfeeding exclusively, which is a huge factor, and I'm adjusting still to having two kids to take care of. I have to be fair to myself. 
There's not a ton I can do to make my body return to where it was a year ago quicker than it wants to, but there are ways to optimize my success and results. 

Food:Cut the processed stuff, especially sugar. This means no more protein powders, sugary yogurts, and processed snacks. It probably means I should give up or at least limit the veggie straws I'm so fond of lately. LOTS of greens and more veggies. Confession: I all but quit eating vegetables during both Lexi and Declan pregnancies. No grazing, instead eat 3 meals and two snacks while nursing, cut back to one when done nursing. 

Recovery: I can improve my recovery by consuming anti-inflammatory foods like ginger, turmeric, bananas, avocados, coconut water, and more. This is super important, as my productivity takes s hit when I'm sore or tired from training hard. 

Sleep: I need to go to bed earlier. 1130 is just too late if I want to be out of bed close to 6, and be done working out by 9. My record so far is having the workout done by 1030, btw. Im going back to drinking my magnesium every night for awhile too. That should be good for both sleep and milk production.

Mental health/self care: I've said this before, but I'm still working on it. Showers, a little makeup, a massage. Maybe some time in the sun. I need these things. 

Most of all, I need to celebrate consistency. I've done so awesome so far! I started exercising regularly when Declan was only 2 months old. That's a vast improvement over the 7 months it took after Lexi, and even then I wasn't consistent. Tomorrow is my last day of phase 1 and Monday I start phase 2. I can't wait to see how strong I'll get, and let's be real, I'm looking forward to some inch loss too!

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