My Sweet, Beautiful, Vibrant Girl, where do I begin? I cannot believe in only twelve and a half hours it'll have been three years since that life changing moment when I first saw your face and kissed your head and fell in love. You were my dream come true, and still are, more every day. You've grown up so much in this past year, and as these pictures will show, you've changed most strikingly since you became a big sister. There's very little baby left in you, though you will
Always be my baby girl.

You are incredibly tender hearted, especially towards your mama, who's been exceedingly (one of your favorite words) weepy over the past year. When I was in early labor with Declan, I was feeling tired, discouraged, and frustrated, and you kissed my tear streaked face and prayed with Daddy and I.
You hate conflict, and if you sense an argument between Daddy and I beginning, you sail in and break it up, or at least try. You also tend to run and hide when you think you're in trouble. It's so sweet to see your sensitivity, and I promise I will never try to change that.
You are still my cuddlebug. You love to be held in my arms and in my lap. We were so spoiled while I carried your brother inside me, because we had so much time for this. I will always cherish all the sweet days when it was just you and I, our last months of you being my only baby.
Christmas has officially become more fun than it's ever been. You love everything about it, especially the decorations and lights. I know it'll just get more fun every year now, but this year was incredible, as you discovered everything from songs to Santa to music in sync with light displays. We went out a half dozen times to look at lights, and every time we were done, you cried and begged for more.
It was such a cold winter, and I hated not being able to play in the snow with you, but I'm so glad you and Daddy got to enjoy it, even when the temps were in the single digits and you had to go out in the dark to play.
We were a little nervous that you'd struggle with the transition from only child to big sister, but you've been unbelievable, even in the face of me having to give Declan almost everything those first couple months. You fell madly in love with him from day one, and it's such a blessing to see you two develop a relationship.
You blow me away with your tenderness and eagerness to help and encourage and love your brother. So many times a day you tell me you love him and he's "so cute!" I love hearing you say "Good morning, Brother!" And "I love you, Declan!"
I know you're waiting (with varied levels of patience) for him to be able to play with you, and I promise it's coming.
In the meantime, you are growing and learning in leaps and bounds. You know your alphabet, your alphabet sounds, colors, shapes, how to count to twenty, how to spell your name and your brother's, and more every day. We are going to start school together in September, and I love how you're already excited!
You've become passionate about painting and dancing, as well as playing drums and singing. We are planning to put you in dance classes soon, and I'm excited to develop your other passions as well.
One passion I see developing that I want to feed is your beginning faith. You love to pray and often ask to, and love to talk about "Lord Jesus!" I am praying daily for ways to help you grow this into a relationship for eternity.

You have grown so much, my sweet Bella Bug, but you are still my baby, my princess, my Peanut. I love you, beyond words, more than you know, and I'm so very proud and thankful to be your Mama.
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