Monday, November 18, 2013


That's how many lbs I've lost from my highest recorded weight sometime in 2008. I'm proud, I'm exhausted, I'm...wearing size 8 jeans! I've reached my goal 2 weeks early! I'm still a little in shock because size 8 wasn't just my next size goal, it was my ultimate size goal! I'm at my goal!!! I did it! 
Now, this feels different than I always expected it to, because, along the way I've learned that fitness isn't a destination (my goal weight/size 8 jeans) but a journey that never ends. I've accomplished something pretty huge over the past 32 months (10 of which I was pregnant), and that's awesome, but I'm not done by a long shot. I may never see that 150 on the scale-I weigh 170 today, I have lost 3 sizes in the last 15 lbs, and I can't imagine maintaining any size smaller long term. My hips are where they are, and I haven't worn anything smaller than a 10 since middle school. 
But fitness, health, and happiness aren't ultimately marked by numbers in pants or on a scale, and I have far more progress to make and many more accomplishments to celebrate ahead. I've learned so much so far about myself, my strength, my athleticism, my will to conquer the hard stuff, that after Baby Two the bounce back shouldn't be such a mystery. I'm done with being told I can't. It's hard, it takes discipline, but I CAN! 

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