Wednesday, July 22, 2015


So, I had an emergency wisdom tooth extraction two weeks ago, and recovery took about 10 days. I really started feeling like myself again over the weekend, and went full steam into trying to be productive from Saturday to yesterday (Tuesday). Then it all hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldn't get out of bed till 11 this morning. Safe to say, if been kinda overdoing it out of the gate. I had a bunch more housework catch up planned for today and tomorrow, but I'm thinking maybe I need to take it a little easier and build back into things at a more moderate pace. 

I'm sharing this because I can't be the only one who does this and gets frustrated and discouraged. PCOS has always made itself known through fatigue, but since I've started living healthier, that hasn't been such a problem. Since Declan has been born though, I have had a number of times where I had a burst of active energy only to get bowled over. So, the rest of the week, I'm going to be focusing on getting to bed on time and up on time and getting my workout done. Then next week, maybe I can finish playing catch up on the house. :-) 

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