Sunday, July 24, 2016

LadyBug Girl is Four!

My Four year old. You are light and love and my dreams and my heart, and I love you more than I ever knew possible. You also drive me crazy, but that's life with a daughter, I'm told. 

You're so very imaginative. We almost literally can't keep up with who you "are" from day to day, whether you're Peppa Pig, Sofia, Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, or about of the other many characters you play. It's both endearing and infuriating  to call your name and hear "No, I'm Belle!" We love the worlds you create though, and do our best to
Encourage you. 

You are very into making art now, whether drawing, painting, gluing, or...toothpaste? I encourage that too, within reasonable boundaries and rules. Haha! I love watching your creations look more and more realistic and hearing what's in your vibrant mind. 

Ballet is becoming a favorite activity too. You love your teacher, the girls in your class, and DANCIN! Your first recital was so fun, and I look forward to watching your confidence and skills grow. 

We really enjoyed our first year of homeschooling and are both excited to start again soon! You ask me almost daily if it's "uptember" yet, because you are so ready to learn to read! 


You're an incredible big sister, and impress me every day with your love for your "Bubby". You two play so well together and just love each other so much. If he's up and you're not, he misses and tries to get to you. I love hearing y'all laughing together in the car. I'm so thankful for how much you love being my big helper with him. 

You are the most passionate and sensitive child I've ever met-with parents like us, it makes sense-you certainly come by it honestly. You are so caring and loving, always making sure I'm doing ok, and if you sense even a little unhappiness you seek to comfort and encourage, not just me, but your brother and your friends too. The flip side of that is, for any highly sensitive person, that your negative feelings and reactions are big too. You love and laugh on a large scale, and you are sad and angry in a big way too. I'm learning to breathe deep in those moments and not let my own high sensitivity be caught up too, because what you need is calm and safety when your world feels stormy. I know this because I'm the same way, my love, my heart. 

Lexi Bella, I'm so thankful and blessed to be your mama that I don't have words. I thank God every day for the gift of you and all you are, and I always will. Especially on this day that's a reminder of my very first happiest day with you. I love you. 

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