Thursday, January 19, 2017

Progress-just not in statistical stuff

So, I'm in that limbo where I am trying to ignore the fact that external/aesthetic changes aren't apparent yet-again. It's hard, like always, but fortunately I'm familiar enough with my body to know it *will* happen, and I won't notice while it is, but suddenly, one day... boom. 

I am making progress though. I got up at six today, had breakfast and devotions, got my workout done before eight thirty, did breakfast and school, and folded a bunch of clothes (and even put most of them away before lunch. I made the kids lunch, made salad dressing , ate my lunch, made Scott's lunch, and started dinner, all by one thirty. Now, I'm totally wiped out, and my kitchen is a disaster, but I'm taking time to rest. I need it. 

Last Monday -ten days ago- I was barely functional. I literally had to sit in a chair in the kitchen and give scott directions on making dinner, even though I'd done little all day besides feed the kids. This is progress. Maybe in another ten days I'll be sitting down at rest time with a clean kitchen and dining room to boot! And maybe my period will be over (still waiting for it to start) and I'll be about to discover that I've reached my goal jeans-since my halfway point/goal measure in this round of BodyShred is in eleven days!

I'm tired, but I'm building and I have hope that I can keep building, with grace and commitment hand in hand. 

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