Friday, April 4, 2014

Recovery week and cycle goals

I've done my yoga for the day, Lexi and I are all dressed for our walk, and after that's done, I start my recovery week!! It was planned to be the week I take provera, but it looks like I may not have to do that, so it's just going to be a week where I let my body mend and rejuvenate a little bit without sitting totally idle. We will still take our daily walks and play outside. I might even slide in some restorative yoga. Hopefully the rest will also kick start my cycle and we can get this show on the road! 
When I come back to exercise on the 14th, it'll be a week of yoga as my morning workouts. The week after that, I'll either start extreme shed/shred, or be taking provera. I'm hoping for the former. 

This week I started working on a new set of goals in cycle. Up till now it's been "burn all the calories!" And, while that's great and lets me eat like a horse, I'm now trying to get pregnant, and I need to train myself to begin to scale back on intensity, so that I can continue to do so as my pregnancy progresses. The longer I'm able to cycle, the faster my body will remember how when I return to it. 
This week's goal was to keep my heart rate around 160 (85%mhr) instead of letting it go up to 180 when things get intense. It's hard, when you're used to going all out, to limit yourself, even in this reasonable way. My goal by the end of this clomid cycle is to be keeping it around 155. Good luck to me! 

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