Thursday, June 12, 2014

Prayer reflection on Chapter 2 (You Are Loved)

So often on this path of life when there are dark or shadowy times, my heart is filled with fear and I struggle to look to you for light and hope and direction. Please help me to know your heart better daily as I walk this path, so that I can better know your love for me and understand your will for my life. Father, for whatever reason I really struggle to translate your goodwill toward me from head knowledge to heart knowledge in the shadowy times. Please forgive me for letting the shadows overcome the light of all the ways you show your love for me every day. I ask with my whole heart that you reverse this trend in my life, that your love would shine so bright in my life before my eyes that the enemy's lies would not be able to get to me. Please replace the darkness of fear with the light of your loving desire to guide and bless me at each step along the way. I don't know why fear is such a struggle in my life, Father but I'm crying out to you to please deliver me from it. I know that you can. Oh Abba father please rid me of the fear of my heart so I can rest in your love as I walk this path of life. Please keep my eyes and heart focused on your character and how you display your love for me. Please give me confidence and security and peace in who you are and who I am to you. Please deliver me from fear. 
Please write on my heart the truth of Jeremiah 24:6-7 where you promise to watch over me for my good, build me up and not tear me down, plant me and not uproot me. Please Give me a heart to know you, that you are The Lord. I am yours, and you are my God, and keep me always close to you with all my heart. I need you, Father, to hold me close to you, especially in these times that feel so dark. Please give me peace and rest and joy in you. Please bring my heart so close to you that I understand deeply and experience in reality your deep love and commitment to me. 
Please help me to consistently be able to make time to spend with you, in your word, in prayer, in stillness listening, in your creation, and please help me come to you like a child-no agenda, just love. 
Father, even as I pray now, the fear is creeping in. I'm struggling to trust you to guide and order my life, and I know how foolish that is. Forgive me for trying to keep control and protect myself. Please deliver me from this fear. I need you, Abva. I can't get free on my own. I need you. Please make the ways you show your love, especially to me personally explode with light and cast out the lies the enemy tries to plant. Help me to answer His lies with abundant truth of your love. Thank you for this hunger I have for you. Please don't let it wane when times are easier, please keep me always hungry to know you more. Forgive me for the times I haven't made knowing you a priority. 

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