Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Walking the path

So, we all know that the core of my struggle is fear. We know that I'm particularly attacking that and asking for deliverance in my life in that area. This week the topic in my bible study is knowing God in order to better experience his love through knowing His will in our lives. Great concept, but I was feeling a bit discouraged that it might  not match perfectly with what I'm facing right now, and I am so so hungry for comfort and to be spoken to by God. Because I am hungry, I decided to continue to dive in and dig deep if I needed to in order to apply whatever God has for me to learn. Well, He has amazed me yet again, right when I needed it. Here is an excerpt from today's devotional blog post:

 "Learning to know the heart of God as we walk our path is the key to experiencing His love more consistently, and learning to understand His will for our lives. We have to believe in His good will toward us to be able to experience His ever-present love. We must replace the darkness of fears or bitterness with the light of His loving desire to guide and bless us at each step along the way. We can only rest in His love when we have rid ourselves from the fear of our heart as we walk the path of our life with Him. His love will lead us home. His goodwill and promise to be with us, will give us security."

As I read this, I literally had to set down my drink and pulled the iPad into my lap. This is for *me*!!!!!!! I need this! Yes!!!! This is what I struggle with the most, starting from believing in His good will towards us. Sometimes I have a really hard seeing the light and am sucked into the shadows, and so my head knowledge of His goodness and my heart knowledge of the same don't connect. I know that it's not enough to believe in his goodness when it's easy, but even more important to believe when it's not, because that makes the payoff all the sweeter. So I will pray these things for myself, and I'd love it so much if you'd pray them for me too.

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