Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Different can be good, comparison is bad.

I am really enjoying PiYo. It's very different from my usual, but intense and challenging, and I really think it's gonna be good for me for the next few months while my foot keeps healing. It's the best of what I love about yoga, that it connects me to my body and its grace and strength, but also the intensity that I like to create with HIIT. I love that it's not easy for me, and I have plenty of room to improve, because that ensures I won't get bored. I think it will couple well with cycle class too. 

Ugh. My struggle with comparison is rearing its head again. My postpartum fitness journey has been tough, and it is tougher and downright depressing when I compare to others and how different/easy it is for them. I've gotta hike my own hike and keep the blinders on, and really focus on blooming and embracing-two of my three words for this year. I'm stronger than I was yesterday, and my body is transforming into the healthy body of a mama of two, and she is a new woman I'm still getting to know. 

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