Monday, January 4, 2016

Starting 2016

Happy New Year! Like most folks, I've got some things I want to accomplish this year. I'm still kinda trying to get my mindset sorted out, because I don't want to strive for things I can't control and end up disappointed and discouraged (Hello Summer 2015!). 

I've written about my general goals on my mama blog (, but here I want to be a bit more specific about my fitness goals. 

First, lets be totally real and honest here- I want results I can see in the mirror and how my clothes fit. I want to be back in my lil bitty shorts by the time it's hot enough to wear them. I want to be in my size 8 jeans (one size down) by the end of February, 6's by the end of April, and those 4's by my birthday. I want my guns back. I want to be back at the part of my journey where fat and sizes aren't a factor and I'm just getting stronger, more agile, increasing stamina. Obviously all that is part of the journey now too, but what I didn't expect was how hard it was going to be mentally and emotionally to be 3 sizes back from where I worked so hard to be in addition to the physical recovery of having a baby, which had been complicated for me by some serious PPD. 

So what are my actual goals, since I have only moderate control of how fast I get the stuff I just said I want? 

Consistency. This is the biggest factor, especially as Declan transitions to solid food over the coming months and we move, and transition him to his own room, and all the challenges and good stuff those changes will bring. I have to work out consistently, 6 days a week,and eat to fuel my body. 

Momentum. I worked out this morning, and it was flipping brutal. I got very bad sleep last night due to Teefers McSoremouth (3 teeth in the past 10 days and at least one more coming) and I haven't worked out since early December. I don't want to feel like I do right now again. If I am consistently challenging and building, I will gain momentum to achieve more and more. 

This last goal is trickier to describe- I want daily victories. I want to notice my muscles popping, my face shape changing, being able to go deeper on a move, sprint longer in cycle class. I want payoff. 

And I want my size 4 jeans in the fall. 

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